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Cynefin helps us navigate contextual complexity.

Navigating Contextual Complexity with Cynefin

· 4 min read

A few weeks back, a friend asked me about the SDLC (Software Developme...

Black box and White box testing terms have too many limits imposed on them.

Time to Challenge the Testing Orthodoxy

· 4 min read

Here are my issues with the White Box and Black Box testing terms. As ...

Behavior driven development forms test cases with Given, When, and Then clauses.

Why is Behavior Driven Development (BDD) not used by most agile teams?

· 4 min read

My journey in Agile software development began in 2004 and has been a ...

Use cases define systems requirements. The best use cases come through Behavior Driven Development (BDD).

When it comes to test design, have we made any significant changes?

· 4 min read

In my blog post about the evolution of software testing, I discussed t...

A frustrated man has a computer over his head with his forehead on his desk.

Does software quality matter in the technology world?

· 3 min read

Not that much in the recent past There was a time when I wondered if s...

There are so many testing combinations that no one person can do it all. This tester looks confused and frustrated.

What is the biggest challenge in functional test efforts?

· 3 min read

As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I was researching the biggest ...

Testing autonomously is only possible if AI conducts Discovery.

Everybody is talking about autonomous software testing. Are we there yet?

· 3 min read

In February, Antithesis came out of stealth mode with a seed round of ...

This image shows a heap of scrabble letters underneath a magnifying glass. Testing definitions are similarly chaotic.

Can we agree on what every term means?

· 3 min read

Let’s resolve this annoying software testing problem! There are signif...

Imagine your journey to autonomous testing. This image features moody, ethereal faces with the blog title as a text overlay.

The Journey to Autonomous Software Testing (Part 2)

· 3 min read

In Part 1 of this post, we discussed the evolution of testing from the...

There are four, no, five schools of software testing that help us on the road to autonomous software testing.

There's Four, No, Five Schools of Testing

· 4 min read

The Journey to Independent Testing via AI/ML - Part 1 As we keep worki...