Flying Bees-2

Stop Automating Scripts When You Can Automate Everything!

Choose the Testaify Functional for Web package that's right for your team.

Testaify's Starter package is ideal for teams looking to trial testaing with AI worker bees on the Testaify platform. It's also suited to teams that release six to eight times per year.

 $199/Test Run

Ready to let AI worker bees handle your functional testing in development? The Starter Package is perfect for trying Testaify. 🐝

The Starter Package is also the right choice if your release cadence is six weeks or longer.

Testaify Functional for Web is initially optimized for web apps of 30 pages or less.

Testaify Functional for Web Starter includes:

1 Test Instance

Up to 8 Test Runs/Year

Up to 5 Users

Pay after each successful run
Testaify's Agile Package is perfect for organizations that test frequently between releases.


Continuous functional testing is within reach. The Agile Package is perfect for busy teams. Now you have a new way to shift right.

If your team releases frequently and you want to improve product quality, Agile is for you. 🐝

Testaify Functional for Web is initially optimized for web apps of 30 pages or less.

Testaify Functional for Web Agile includes:

Up to 2 Test Instances

Unlimited Test Runs

Up to 10 Users

Cancel at any time
Transform your functional testing by giving your team Testaify Functional for Web.

Register now to have Testaify when it moves to general release.

Claim your army of AI worker bees.

At Testaify, we believe in empowering your team with seamless, efficient, and cost-effective testing solutions. You can confidently offload your functional testing efforts and focus on strategic work like new products, new features, and more. You'll also have more time for exploratory testing.

Our product was designed with your success in mind: Testaify's next-generation AI gives you access to cutting-edge testing capabilities without bloating the budget or needing months to learn your environment. Testaify Functional for Web is initially optimized for smaller web apps of 30 pages or less. 

Connect your web app to the Testaify platform via the Test App Domain (the URL of your web app's test environment), username, and password. Then, set up your users and get testing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I choose Testaify?

How does pricing work?

What if I have more than two test instances?

What is a successful run?

What if I want to pay annually?

What do I need to know about Testaify's findings?

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The AI Software Testing Market, Part III

The AI Software Testing Market, Part III

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